
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pope Won't Stop Latin Mass.... In Other News, The Sky is Blue

Cardinal assures traditionalists of Pope’s support for Extraordinary Form
Via CatholicCulture

I really don't know why this is a news story.  The logistics of such a move never made sense.  Traditionalists (for better or worse) are a minority.  One would have to believe that Pope Francis, upon his rising to the Chair of Peter, and having laid out an ambitious plan for reform knowing time is of the essence...... would waste the first year of his pontificate in a war that nobody really stood to benefit from.  I know Machiavelli was placed on the Index, but his lesson holds true:  what are the incentives for and against an act by a ruler?

What would Pope Francis gain by restricting the Latin Mass, even if he couldn't stand it.  It would be highly irregular in the Roman Liturgical Tradition, go clearly against the past two pontificates (whose theme was expanding access), and most importantly..... be overturned within a decade or two anyways since the younger generation of priests, even when not traditionalists, are comfortable with the Latin Mass.  You would have to believe Francis was the dying gasp of a visceral hatred of the Latin Mass, and he would risk blowing up not just the Latin Mass, but all of the new approved orders.

Instead, the evidence has always been of someone who isn't terribly interested in the Latin Mass, and was going to leave it mostly alone.  The particular questions of a religious order were deemed to be the particular questions of a religious order.  You can disagree with the move taken (I don't like it, and I'm sure a good number of Fransiscans don't like it), but the reasoning given from the beginning was one that made sense, and now we have that confirmed.  Now we get word that Pope Francis..... doesn't really care about the Latin Mass, has no plans on doing anything about it, and that the issue involving the Fransiscans was intended simply to be a local issue.

Could this change?  Sure.  Could they be lying and preparing to pull a fast one?  Anything is possible.  I'd like to suggest a way for going forward.  If you don't like Pope Francis, look at things from pure pragmatism:  look at the incentives involved, the risks involved, the return on those risks, the probability such reforms would stick, what personal history we know about him, the difficulty of getting large institutions to implement a change when the average pope reigns for less than a decade, etc.  Once you've taken all those factors into account, then add in the very real possibility you have no clue what the heck you are talking about.  After determining whether such an event would even be possible, then analyze whether or not there is the probability such an event would come to pass, once again placing strong emphasis on the chance that you, as a layman, have no clue what the heck you are talking about.

If you've still got an even money case after that, come talk to me. 

1 comment:

  1. And to put your text into the Yodaspeak Generator!


    Pope will stop latin mass not.... In other news, blue, the sky is.
    For extraordinary form cardinal assures traditionalists of pope's support.
    Via catholicculture.

    Why this is a news story I really know not. Of such a move never made sense the logistics. Minority, traditionalists (for better or worse) are. One, to believe that pope francis, would have, to the chair of peter upon his rising, and of the essence, having laid out an ambitious plan for reform knowing time is...... To benefit from would waste the first year of his pontificate in a war that nobody really stood. I know machiavell, placed on the index, was I, but his lesson holds true: The incentives for and against an act by a ruler, what are, hmm?

    Pope francis gain by restricting the latin mass, what would, stand it even if he could not. Highly irregular in the roman liturgical tradition would it be, expanding access), go clearly against the past two pontificates (whose theme was, and most importantly..... Of priests be overturned within a decade or two anyways since the younger generation, even when not traditionalists, with the latin mass are comfortable. Have to believe francis was the dying gasp of a visceral hatred of the latin mass, you would, and he would risk blowing up just the latin mass not, but of the new approved orders all.

    Instead, the evidence has always been of someone who is terribly interested in the latin mass not, and was leave it mostly alone going to. Deemed to be the particular questions of a religious order, the particular questions of a religious order were. It you can disagree with the move taken (i like not, and it) I am sure a good number of fransiscans like not, but one that made sense, the reasoning given from the beginning was, and that confirmed, we now have. Now we get word that pope francis..... Reallys care about the latin mass not, has no plans on doing anything about it, and intended simply to be a local issue, that the issue involving the fransiscans was.

    This change could, hmm? Sure. To pull a fast one could they be lying and preparing, hmm? Possible, anything is. Like to suggest a way for going forward, I would. If you like not pope francis, look at things from pure pragmatism: Look at the incentives involved, the risks involved, the return on those risks, stick, the probability such reforms would, what personal history we know about him, to implement a change the difficulty of getting large institutions when the average pope reigns for less than a decade, etc. Once, taken all those factors into account, you have, then add in the very real possibility you have no clue what the heck, talking about, you are. Even be possible, after determining whether such an event would, then analyze whether or there is the probability such an event would come to pass not, once again placing strong emphasis on the chance that you, as layman, have no clue what the heck, talking about, you are.

    If still got an even money case after that, you have, to me come talk. Yeesssssss.


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